3 Tips for a Successful Bridal Fair or Vendor Booth

Picture of Joette Giardina

Joette Giardina

Mentor. Motivator. Speaker.

Today, I share 3 tips for creating a successful Bridal Fair or Vendor Booth to market your balloon business.

  1. Make sure your target clients are attending the event.
  2. Prepare in Advance
  3. Set up a follow up plan as the $$$ is in the follow up!

For more details check out this short Free Webinar with the details

When I started in the balloon industry in 2003, I never realized how much work would go into marketing my business. Over the years I became more confident in my role as a marketer when I realized people do business with those they know, like and trust. To build those relationships consistently, getting out in the face of the clients and vendors you want to work with is key to growth.

I encourage you to not jump at every single bridal fair or vendor booth you hear about. In my webinar, I cover how I learned this from experience. Be selective and treat it like an event that you are being paid to do. Prepare for it and follow up afterwards.

Create a booth that is open and has an interactive place for people attending to take photos. I serve as the marketing manager for Party People Events in Central Florida. This photo is from our October 4, 2020 Bridal fair.

We wanted to show off 3 key products Brides are attracted to:
– Our gold infinity hoop frame with organic design
– Hot air balloon basket with three foot balloons
– New Elite Shimmer walls that sparkle and shine

For this show we had a premium booth at the end of a row that was 20 feet wide and deep. This allowed us to make the most out of this event, having up to 3 different parties of brides taking photos at a time.

At most events you may have an 8 X 8 or 10 X 8 booth allowing for one photo area. This is completely fine. Make the most out of the space by creating one lovely focal point that people will have to get their photo opp.

If you would like access to training to increase your confidence and skills in creating balloon decor, plus access to our scripts on what to say at a successful bridal fair or vendor booth, I encourage you to check out our online and in person training events at BalloonCoach.com. This will also help you identify your target clients and build a brand to attract the people and vendors you want to work with.

As you grow your thriving balloon business, take one step forward at a time and remember – people do business with those they know, like and trust. Create a plan today on how you will get seen by the people you want to notice you. No need to take the path to success on your own, you can save time and money by using the resources we have put together in BalloonCoach.com to walk the journey with you.

Do one thing today your future self will thank you for,

Joette Giardina, CBA
Mentor. Motivator. Speaker.

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