Do You Want to Be a Balloon Boss?

Picture of Joette Giardina

Joette Giardina

Mentor. Motivator. Speaker.

Do you want to be a balloon boss? What do I define as a balloon boss? A person who looks at their balloon business as something that can run without them and generate money even when they are on vacation. My full time career in the balloon industry started in 2003 when I purchased an existing decor company in Lakeland, Florida. The previous owner of the company had a store front for several years and closed it when her lease doubled and she could not find another space to rent at a decent price. She moved the business back into her home to deliver balloon decor to her existing repeat clients. When I purchased the company, she had an assistant that worked with her on an as needed basis and let me know that having a second set of hands on a job is really helpful from time to time. Due to limited budget when I first started, my husband (a teacher) and my 4 year old daughter served as my crew! Over the years as I attended training on creating a business plan and how to grow a business to earn larger incomes, everything pointed to the fact that when most creative people stop working for “corporate america” and start their own business, they actually create a job that they spend double the time working to make half the amount of money they did at their “9-5” job. What is it that is missing that can make you a Balloon Boss? A team! It may sound scary to hire a support team or staff. The typical objections I hear from my coaching client: “I can’t trust anyone else to serve my customers like I do” “No one else can create the type of balloon design the way I do” “How do I know my employee won’t just leave and start up their own business” “I don’t know how to be a boss or lead other people” I UNDERSTAND, I have been there. What I know is if you do not choose to be a Balloon Boss and create a support team, if you get hurt, have to have surgery, go on a family vacation, a family member needs medical care YOUR BUSINESS STOPS GENERATING REVENUE and that is a stressful place to be!

If this concept of being a Balloon Boss sounds like something you want to understand better – get on Amazon today and Order this book in audio or paperback. The Emyth Revisited by Michael E. Gerber

Reading this book changed my entire thinking on how to run a business, how to guide my coaching clients and is full of concepts I wish I would of known in 2003 when I leaped into balloons full time. When I read the book I did it with a group of other balloon professionals and picked apart the pieces we needed to apply to our businesses.


I would love to hear from you as you read the book – in my facebook group Balloon Coach Community If you are not a part of that conversation yet, click the link and ask to join the group. We can share ideas and see different insights as you go. Starting January 7, each Monday will be our Book Club Conversations in balloon coach community to share your thoughts on the book.


Are you Ready to become a balloon boss but would like some support along the journey – a bit of a road map of how to get there from where you are? I know being a business owner can feel like a lonely journey at times. That is why was created to provide you with the support and resources I wish I would of had at my fingertips.

Due to demand, I have put together a training and support system to walk beside you on your journey without the cost of my one to one coaching program. In Balloon Boss Mastermind you have access to over $2,500 of online training available to you 24 hours a day 7 days a week to give you guidance and training each step of your journey.

A Marketing program to take you to the next level of your business and gain new contacts and clients when you take action.

Support from Coach Joette and fellow Balloon Boss Mastermind Members in a private Facebook group, and Interaction with me LIVE in our monthly Mastermind Live Call.

Check out Balloon Boss Mastermind today to feel connected and gain support to go after your dreams like a Balloon Boss!


Have a question or want to share a struggle you are having as you grow your balloon business? I would love to hear from you – email

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