Networking, People do business with People they Know, Like and Trust!

Picture of Joette Giardina

Joette Giardina

Mentor. Motivator. Speaker.

Networking, People do business with People they Know, Like and Trust!

So how do you build those things?

I have a free Mini webinar on Networking – Click here to view it’s about 25 minutes long.

Hope you Enjoy!

During the webinar I referred to this quote

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Would you like more support and training  for marketing and networking from someone who has been in your shoes full time since 2003?

Balloon Boss Mastermind is our group coaching program to have access to my 9 week marketing program plus access to a private member group and over $2,500 of online training and support, in addition to access to the Passport to Success webinar library.

Or “kick the tires” with our Webinar Membership for the 4th Tuesday of each month and the replay library.

Looking forward to supporting you as you grow your Thriving Balloon Business!

Joette Giardina, CBA

Mentor. Motivator. Speaker.

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