What’s your Plan to invest in your Business??

Picture of Joette Giardina

Joette Giardina

Mentor. Motivator. Speaker.


Just saw a post this morning: 6 weeks of Early Bird Registration left..

Wow – it’s going to be April before we know it!! SO glad I have my hotel room reserved and I’m set as a sponsor for WBC! Lots of conversation recently online about training, and investing in your business. IF 2016 WBC is something you WANT to go to but think “I cannot afford it” MAKE A PLAN…start an education fund NOW! Details for WBC 2016

MOTIVATION is key to success….then making an plan and Take action.
IF being in a room with people from over 50 countries that all have the same Passion as you do about balloons. Networking with other balloon professionals, mixing with the Distributors that support our industry…talking in person with the Staff from Qualatex….MEETING the people in person that you currently only know online. IF any of that IS YOU…make a plan and get there!

If you can’t make it for 2016 due to Working Proms or other events on the calendar, LOOK on BalloonCoach.com at upcoming events (if you know of others I want to expand my list – send me a email Joette@ballooncoach.com) see other wonderful Online, and regional trainings that are offered in your area….INVEST IN YOURSELF, invest in your Business! Check with your distributors and manufactures for other opportunities to learn and grow!

HANDS ON EXPERIENCE is more than just learning proper balloon techniques it gives you confidence, you meet people who have same interest you have and you get MOTIVATED for Success!


The Network of people I have met since 2003 at conventions are now some of my best friends! Seriously…I have one good friend who lives locally – but due to my passion for my Balloon Business…my friends from around the world have now become very close to me with the hours we have spent on the phone and online supporting each other’s business. I now plan my family vacations around seeing my “balloon family” Thanksgiving 2013 and 2014 were spent at my balloon friends’ homes!

Multiple Spring Breaks and Vacations – Balloon friends, as I enjoy seeing how they set up their office, warehouses and stores. Those relationships and opportunities came from investing in my business and going to Training!

YOU do not have to go to All training…make a plan for the one that fits your needs and personality the best!

Each event I went to, I came home and put what I learned into action…then I would get stressed out or concerned about something -I could call on my new friends in the industry and we were able to support each other…and have seen GROWTH from that support.

Can you tell I’m a little passionate about this subject? A Balloon Business is Business…YOU have to INVEST in tools inside the industry and outside the industry to have GROWTH and a sustainable living. All Successful Business owners I know outside of the Balloon Industry attend Seminars and annual conferences specific to their trade to GROW….it’s about Investing…and GROWING as a Professional.

Wishing you an amazing day! Look forward to hearing what training I may see you at!

Head to BalloonCoach.com for monthly webinars and training!

Your Partner in Success,

Joette Giardina, CBA
Take Your Business to New Heights

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